یکشنبه، آبان ۱۳، ۱۳۸۶


نه آنی نیست که آرزو می‌کردم

می‌خواهم همیشه آرزویش کنم...

۱ نظر:

human being گفت...

آرزو ها همیشه اینطورند . حتی وقی می رسی انگار نرسیده ای. آنوقت دیگر آرزو نیست.0
فکر می کنم هیچ گاه هیچ کس به هیچ آرزویی نخواهد رسید.0
ما فقط به آن چیزهایی که "می خواهیم" می رسیم.0

You have enabled your comment moderation, so should i interpret it as: get lost please!

Okay, I do.
Thought you're seeking a way out. Seems i was mistaken. You are seeking someone to watch you torturing yourself.

This is not the first time i face such a person. Somebody cries for help. You go on to help. But eventually you find out that person loves to cling to what tortures him ,coz it gives him a security.
Lamenting is not ,sometimes, the result of regret; it is a way to receive some compliments!!!!:D

Okay but none of these, changes my view and feeling toward you. From the begining you were a passenger and i was a bridge. I loved you because being a bridge makes sense just when there are passengers. That's why i was happy when you turned toward me. Now you say this is not the way i wanted. This is okay, too. All through the way , we can change our direction....

I wish you the best on your way up.
You are not falling down; your are climbing up.... That's why you feel it's so hard. That's why you are tired and sad...
If you were falling down, you couldn't have written such beautiful and impressive things.

i should thank you for the amazing and immense joy i experienced here. Can i drop in every now and then to read more?

So, bye now, dear dot dot dot. :D

Bridges are just there; this is our choice what way to take.

Lots of love,
human being

P.S. I didn't see any 'ebtezal' in your words.
As to your pictures, those i could see were masterpieces.
And those i couldn't...... Even if they are dipicting the worst and dirtiest scenes a mind can imagine in the world, again no word i said here is going to be changed. :)